It's all coming back to me now. This is the point in my life when I became obsessed with coffee. It's a love affair that continues today! Long live the coffee bean!
(Mom, while we're on the topic of beans I'd like to bring to your attention that the one up my nose is starting to get a little out of hand.)
The NAM is a retainer of sorts that helps in three different ways. It brings the lip together, along with the palate and also holds the nose up in preperation for surgery. It is tremendous work and committment that brings with it great rewards. As a parent nothing feels better than
At one-month-old we took Isaac back to the cranialfacial clinic for a long day of appointments. We saw the occupational therapist and nutritionist (to make sure Isaac was getting enough to eat), the surgeon, and also the orthodontist. This is when Isaac was fitted for the NAM. If you've ever had a mold done for braces this is exactly what they do to the baby. It's a little stressful but only lasts for a few moments. The mouthful of goo is to get an impression of the mouth so the NAM can be created to fit your baby's mouth. They actually hold oxygen by the baby's nose while they're getting the mold. I didn't feel like the oxygen was "close" enough to Isaac and actually grabbed the nurse's hand and held it closer to his nose. Mamas of any temperment: bold or timid, loud or quiet can find strength and courage they never knew they had to do things for their kids. Sometimes protecting your kids and social manners will not see eye to eye. It's okay; follow your instincts!
Two weeks later we went back to get our NAM. Between the fitting and the delivery date we started taping Isaac's mouth with the tape they had given us. We were already starting to train his mouth to come together!
At six weeks old we started wearing the NAM. He was so tiny then!! I held him, rocked him, and walked him a lot convincing him this was a good idea. He slept with it in pretty well as long as I waited until he was good and asleep before putting it in. The more they wear it the more it helps them. It was good for us that we could take ours out. Isaac wasn't found of eating with it in. In fact he thought that was a terrible idea!
After a little practice you get skilled at making the tape. It helps to have some made up ahead of time early on and then one day, like magic-looping the tiny rings through the tape doesn't seem so difficult anymore. You learn how to slip the appliance out for feedings and then slip it in on 'em after their sleeping. I think people were more curious about the tape on Isaac's face than anything else. (Lots of time in public I gave Isaac a free pass from wearing the NAM so I could buy groceries in peace. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do!)
At first, the visits to the cranialfacial center were weekly and then bi-weekly. Then, closer to the surgery we went weekly to get the most results as possible before game-time. Commuting in Atlanta traffic can be about as pleasant as a root-canal at times but well worth the benefit it was bringing to Isaac. It was encouraging to see the results and know that it was really working. We could actually see the gap in the lip and gums closing.