Monday, January 26, 2009

Isaac,the ultimate joy-boy!

It's painfully clear that I'm behind on my blogging. Isaac is almost two now and there remains much left unsaid!! It would be nice to talk about our experience with the NAM and perhaps get through our first surgery before high school graduation. But first things first, a certain mother-0f-the-heart has given wise advice to write about the current day stuff as I try to catch up on the past.

Those who know Isaac understand how completely he lives up to his name. Isaac is a Hebrew name that means "he will laugh." That seems like an understatement! Isaac has contagious joy that delights those of us blessed enough to see him in his element. Speech teachers that withold much wanted toys and various nursery workers do not know the real Isaac. The real Isaac is full of smiles and looking for every opportunity to share his joy with the world.

At the moment we are almost two-years-old and our most important project is speech. It's nice to know we're done with surgery for now and will cross that road again somewhere around age 3 or 4. The first year was intense but now things are much calmer. Isaac has been in speech therapy for almost a year now and has several signs that help him communicate (more, eat, drink, all done, down, milk, etc). Once a week we have a speech therapist from Babies Can't Wait come to the house to play and stimulate speech. I'm thankful for the signs she has taught us. They help Isaac tell me what he needs and that cuts down on a lot of tantruming. And all of the mothers said, "Amen to that!"

M's are the easiest sound for children with clefts. I'm waiting for Isaac to say some p's and b's that requires air to push over the palate. I see Isaac starting to explore and do different things with his tongue and mouth and know that he's getting close to these things. Patience has been my friend when it comes to Isaac's speech. I've had a couple of moments where I wondered if something else was causing the delay. I don't believe there is. His speech will come it's just a slow process. I celebrate him for doing things that others might find ridiculous but knowing what's an accomplishment for your child is important. My first child was and still is overwhelmingly verbal and it has served me well to see the difference in their personalities and celebrate who they are instead of comparing the two and wanting Isaac to be the same as Emily.

Besides who needs to do all that verbal stuff when you can play basketball? Isaac fervently loves basketball. His priorities don't exactly place speech at the top of the list. There's more important things like climbing to do. He has watched me play with my younger brother since he was an infant and finds it quite insulting that I would offer him a size-appropriate ball. No, that simply will not do for him. He's made it crystal clear that he deserves a grown-up, official ball. None of this baby, wimp sized stuff for him. It's mom's ball or nothing. I am coaching Emily's basketball team and wear him on my back in a patapum pouch during practices. He couldn't be happier than out there in the middle of the basketball action.

Isaac, I will wait for you to talk as long as it takes and will continue doing everything we can to help you get there. I know you can and will do it.

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